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Storytime Yoga Lesson: Oink-A-Doodle-Moo

Storytime Yoga is a great way to enjoy a story and move our bodies at the same time. This week’s Storytime Yoga pick is Oink-A-Doodle-Moo by Jef Czekaj.

Read on yogis! - Randi Sather

Let's Start with Some Breathing!

Breathe in for 2 seconds then say “psst” for 2 seconds. Increase to 3,4,5 seconds on each breath.

Take a deep breath and breathe out “shhhhh” for as long as you can.


Pig pose (Table variation)

Come to hands and knees. Spread fingers wide and make body straight.


Rooster (Chair variation)

Stand up tall, bend the knees as if sitting into a chair, bend your arms into wings and flap around. This standing pose strengthens the legs and buttocks, ankles, feet and abdominals. Good for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd chakras.


Cow pose – Bitilasana

Kneeling on the hands and knees, drop the belly and lift the head and hips arching the back into Cow pose. Moo as you see fit! This strengthens and massages the muscles along the spine and opens the front body, massages internal organs. Good for all the chakras.


Frog Pose – Mandukasana

From standing, come into a squat and place hands on ground. Jump! Helps to circulate energy to the upper body. Increases blood flow, strengthens legs, helps coordination and is fun! Good for your eyes, heart and glands. Good for 1st chakra.


Crow Pose - Bakasana

From standing, bend the knees and plant the hands on the ground shoulder distance apart, put the knees on the upper arms close to the armpits, look forward, and lift one foot off the ground then the other balancing on the arms . Squeeze the belly and lift the back of the heart. This arm balance strengthens the wrists, arm and abdomen while toning the internal organs.


Owl Pose

From mountain pose, bend knees and spread wings. Can twist around and look behind you left and right, just like an owl moving his head all the way around! Good for balance and coordination, strengthens legs and belly.


Horse Pose (Standing Wide Legged Forward Fold)

From standing, step or jump feet apart, fold forward with a long spine and touch the ground. This standing forward fold opens the hips and groin, stretches the hamstrings and calves, strengthens the feet and ankles, and soothes the nervous system.


Sheep pose (Plank)

From hands and knees, reach feet back, curl toes under. Stack shoulders over wrists and make body straight and strong. Can lower down in a push up and press back up, or lower all the way to the belly. Good for strengthening wrists, shoulder girdle, arms and belly. Great for spinal alignment.


Cobra Snake pose – Bhujangasana

Lying on the belly, bring hands under shoulders, with elbows bent and pulled into the sides, lift head, neck and chest. Sway side to side, perhaps hiss like a snake or flick the tongue in and out to “smell” like a snake. This backbend stretches the front body, lengthens the spine. It energizes the body, opens the chest and heart, strengthens the abdomen and neck. Good for the 3rd, 4th and 5th chakras.


Duck pose (Eagle variation) – Garudasana

From mountain pose, bend knees, lift left leg over right and cross ankle at knee to make legs look like the #4 or wrap all the way around, curling left toes around right calf. Spread arms to create wings, or cross left arm under right arm and wrap arms, palms together, thumbs facing nose. Sit down more and lift heart and crown. Repeat on right side. This standing posture is great for balancing and strengthening of legs, belly, ankles and calves. It stretches the shoulders and arms and helps develop concentration and coordination. Good for all chakras, especially 6th.


Mouse – Balasana

From hands and knees, send hips back towards heels, lying belly onto thighs. Let the forehead rest on the ground and reach hands forward or back to heels. This forward fold is a great relaxing, restorative pose, good for transitions between postures. Good for 4th, 5th and 6th chakra. It soothes the nervous system, massages the internal organs and stretches the legs, hips and spine. Relaxes entire body and brings about a feeling of peacefulness.


Donkey Kicks

From Downward Facing Dog, look between the hands and jump your feet up, kicking high above you like a donkey. This strengthens legs, arms, hands and stomach, prepares for handstand and energizes the brain.


Breath Work

Take a big, long, deep breath and get ready!


Cat pose – Marjaryasana

Kneeling on the hands and knees, round the spine looking toward the belly button into Cat Pose. Children can meow as they see fit! This strengthens and massages the muscles along the spine and opens the back body, massages internal organs. Good for all the chakras.


Breath work - Lion pose – Simhasana

Sitting on your heels, stick out your tongue, look at your nose, pounce forward onto your hands and say “Ha!” Lion pose relaxes the face, clears the throat and sinus cavities, exercises the eye muscles, and brings energy to the throat and shoulders. It is good for the 5th and 6th chakras.


Downward Dog pose – Adho Mukha Svanasana

Come to hands and knees, hands under shoulders and knees under hips, curl toes under, press through hands and feet bringing hips up and back. Lower heels toward the mat. Nod your head yes and no. Bend one knee and then the other to wag the “tail”. Bark, pant, and have fun!



Breathe in and shrug your shoulders up. Release your shoulders down and breathe out quickly. Try it a few times.

Sitting on your heels, tap your head with your hand and wag your tail at the same time. Try switching hands and wagging your tail in the opposite direction.


Breathe in for 2 seconds then say “psst” for 2 seconds. Increase to 3,4,5 seconds on each breath.


Deeply Relax - Corpse Pose

Take a moment to lay down on your yoga mat and relax deeply into your body and breath to integrate and rejuvenate.

Let us know how your yoga went!

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