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Yoga for School Aged Kids (6-17 yrs) 

Yoga for School Aged Kids (6-17 yrs) 

19 hour training (17 in classroom and 2 out of classroom: 1 observation and 1 practice teaching) Combine with 4 other trainings for your 95 hour Yoga Alliance approved Children's Yoga Teacher Certification! Bundle and Save: Check out our Bundle Package here!


When: Nov. 16-17, 2019

In this training we will delve into:

- teaching in school and studio environments, off-campus PE programs, marketing and developing a kids yoga business

- teaching families and multi-ages in a yoga class setting

- middle and high-schoolers: transitions, releasing stress, meditations, creating a lifelong yoga practice

- special focus on elementary aged kids, pre-teens and teens, looking at development, social and emotional issues that arise and how to plan a series of classes for them.

-practice creating an outline for an event: birthday party or workshop

- Special Guest Teacher & more


Investment: Regular Pricing $295 

Payment Plans available. $100 deposit required to hold space.

Meet our Guest Teacher!

Zakiyyah Kareem (RYT) teaches a fluid style of hatha yoga that emphasizes mindfulness, attention to breath, and healing. Zakiyyah believes in making yoga accessible to everyone and every body, and has 8 years experience teaching teens, adults of all fitness levels, and individuals suffering from anxiety, insomnia and depression. Students can expect to feel challenged, joy and a deep connection between mind and body.

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